installation panneaux solaires

Our businesses

With more than 500 projects in progress, the Technique Solaire group is your single point of contact for the entire duration of a solar power plant project, including the operation and maintenance phase. Our teams are committed to doing their utmost to meet all your needs and questions.


Technique Solaire has multidisciplinary skills in-house and qualified subcontractors to carry out every stage of your project.


Validating the feasibility of the project
Signing the lease agreement
Studying and designing the plant
Submitting the applications for administrative authorisations (building permits, etc.)
Obtaining the administrative authorisations
Securing the electricity sales tariff
Financing the power plant
Signing a lease
Building the power plant
Running and maintaining the plant
Collecting and recycling the panels
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The development team surveys and identifies potential sites for the installation of energy production units. After validating the feasibility of the project, the company signs a lease agreement with the host of the future project.

Once this stage has been completed, the development team launches the administrative procedures (building permit, preparation of the tender file, etc.)

travail d'équipe
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The financial package is a major step in the completion of a project. Indeed, the competitiveness of renewable energies requires continuous innovation in financial engineering.

We have therefore developed real know-how in this field and have established a good reputation for our work among our financial partners.

Technique Solaire has joined the BPI Excellence community that brings together growing companies in France and is an ambassador of every successful entrepreneur in France.

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Studies & Design

We study and design all our installations in-house. Our engineers are highly qualified and come from top schools where they have been trained in the renewable energy sector. After studying the technical, industrial and financial conditions, the engineering office takes a project to the construction phase. Our project managers design and build our energy production plants in compliance with the rules of the trade, the budget, the deadlines and the requirements of our customers.

techniciens installation panneaux solaires
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Our construction teams, led by our construction managers, are responsible for the construction of the plants.

The construction of our solar power plants takes place in two stages. Firstly, the teams consult our construction partners for the lots that are not built in-house, and then they purchase the equipment needed to build the power plant. In the second stage, our own teams of electricians install the power plant.

It is because we do our own electrical work that we stand out from most of our rivals and can guarantee a high quality of work.

installation panneaux solaires
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Operation & Maintenance

Our units are managed by the group’s teams, along the following two lines: the operational management of the plant (monitoring of operations, maintenance and cleaning) and the financial management of the operations (invoicing, payment of rent, accounting, remuneration of investors, etc.)

The group has chosen to have its own technical teams to maintain the plants built. We therefore offer preventive and corrective maintenance that are highly responsive and provide on-call services so that we can intervene within the contractual deadlines.

maintenance panneaux solaires